2.4 The Three-Minute Lesson

Both in dancing and school, i was taught about the Art of Mental Training.
Dance legend Tony Irwing used to say that, in sports, Mental Training has been called the Science of Success.
I believe that is a mistake.
If you imagine that Mental Training apply only to sports and athletes you’d be wrong. For it’s the "Everyday Champion", from all walks of life, and all types of scenarios, that stands to benefit immensely from the knowledge and techniques that lie ahead. No matter what you do, or whatever challenges you face, The Art of Mental Training can help take you to
another level of performance, achievement, and personal success. Any time that you arrive to compete, event-energy gets mixed in with whatever is going on inside your head at the time. It’s the emotions and feelings that this mixture produces that ultimately ends up affecting how well we perform. If, for example, undesired emotions like nervousness, anger, or fear, happen to surface as a result of this mixture, the Champion must have the right knowledge, tools, and techniques at his disposal so that he can use them to ensure that his performance does not suffer. It’s what Champions know how to do well—and it’s something that everyone can learn how to do. But it’s only those who set out to learn and practice mental training
techniques that gain all the benefits and achieve the highest level of results. The better your self-belief, internal self-talk, attitude, focus, and mental climate are going into an event, the better your situation will be when the adrenalin is mixed in and event energy is pumping through you. By understanding what to shoot for in terms of the Ideal Mental Climate, and having been given the knowledge, tools, and techniques required to achieve it, the Champion is able to empower all aspects of his performance.
So, understand this:

Remember: Whatever is going on inside your head has everything to do with how well you end up performing.

per ardua ad astra ~ David

Postat av: Gissa! det blir kul ;)

Dance legend? Snälla lilla David.. vem har fått dig att tro nåt sånt?

2009-07-07 @ 00:48:08
Postat av: David

Haha jag vet mycket väl att han inte är en legend.. men det lät mycket bättre så (a)

Dessutom vet jag vem det var som kommenterade :D

2009-07-07 @ 16:08:21
URL: http://davidforsell.blogg.se/dreams
Postat av: Anonym

Är du helt säker..?

2009-07-08 @ 01:19:50
Postat av: David

Men åh.. kanske.. Vem är det? (a)

2009-07-10 @ 18:59:17
URL: http://davidforsell.blogg.se/dreams

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