2.6 Mental edge

Is it possible to beat a competitor that is better than you?

Yes! In fact, it happens all the time. Let me explain how this is possible. Many times I have seen dancers who have been technically better and stronger than another competitor, yet they were consistently beaten by these competitors at meets.

What these dancers lacked was the mental edge over these competitors. This mental edge simply creates opportunities which may not otherwise be there for you in that contest on that particular day. This mental edge often includes many different factors, one of which I will mention one today. This is a subject has won many competitions for dancers who simply weren’t as good as their competitors, but they managed to score a psychological win. The subject is body language.

Every single moment you are at the pool as a swimmer, by the ring as a boxer, or by the dance floor as a dancer, as a musician before an aduition, without even knowing it, you are unconsciously showing your competitors your level of self-confidence. For example as a boxer, simple aspects in your body language often gives away valuable information to other competitors, and so it is essential to only send out signals which say "I feel great, I'm relaxed, and I’m ready to go!". Your body language plainly shows your competitors whether you are feeling confident, relaxed and self-assured, or whether you are lacking in confidence and feeling nervous about the fight to come. This applies to all kinds of things really wether it is before a competition, audition, or even in school. If you want to be the best, you got to show others that you already is the best.

When you demonstrate confidence to your competitors (whether you actually feel that way or not) it can affect them in two ways. Firstly it often makes them wonder where you got that sort of confidence from, which often triggers negative thoughts in their mind before the meet. Secondly, it often forces them to examine themselves and question their own confidence, asking themselves such questions as "Am I as confident as they are?" As soon as they begin thinking these thoughts, they have handed you the mental edge! This means that they will assume that you have the edge on them, and their mind will programme their body accordingly for that race. Trust me, I am of experience.

This is a fabulous effect on your competitors when you have not even said a word to them! The funny part about this is that you may not actually be feeling confident at all, all you’ve done is just make them think that you feel confident! And the added payback is that when you begin to act confident, you very soon begin to feel that way anyway.

So what unconscious signals do you give out to other competitors? Are you exuding confidence and relaxation, or stress and nerves? Here are some things to watch for in your body language when you are at a meet; firstly, always keep your head up, never allow your head to drop towards the ground, as this always gives the appearance of a person who doesn’t feel confident enough to make eye contact.

Secondly, smile and laugh a lot, rather than having a tense look for the world to see. Remember, winners are grinners! This very often unsettles competitors, when they see how relaxed you appear! Additionally, smiling has also been scientifically shown to relax the body through a variety of relaxing chemicals it releases into your system.
Yet another aspect is to walk around confidently, as if you are already the champion, not as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders. If you do feel nervous, don’t let anyone detect it from your behaviour, act relaxed and in control at all times, as this will not only fool your competitors, but quite often improve your own emotional state as well. If you want to feel relaxed, begin acting relaxed, and miraculously you may begin to experience feelings of tranquility beginning to wash over you.

Most importantly, never, ever show feelings of negativity, nervousness or any other ‘vulnerability’ to your competitors, until you are away from their view. Act positively no matter what, as if you don't have a worry in the world, and eventually word will get around that absolutely nothing ever seems to bother you!

So be aware of the subconscious signals your body language is giving out to other competitors, they can be either a huge psychological weapon or a major disadvantage, the choice is yours. It has often been said, to become a champion, firstly begin acting like one. This saying may be even truer than it sounds. Many champions copied the mannerisms and behaviour of their idols when they were young, and this may well have been their key to their success. Think of a person/rolemodel/champion you admire, and begin copying their most impressive habits. You may be surprised at the results.


Remember: Mental edge creates opportunities which may not otherwise be there for you

per ardua ad astra ~ David

2.5 ATL - Approaches to Learning

In school, we were taught the method of ATL - Approaches to Learning. It is a simple method which helps me immensly bothin school, sports, music and everyday-life.
The ATL-method at IES basically refers to those characteristics students bring to the learning process. These characteristics can be observed during usual teaching and learning activities. Students are also requested to provide input. Then, appropriate teaching strategies can be chosen or adapted to improve achievement.
The ATL consists of 7 areas: 
  1. Organizational skills, study practices and attitudes towards work
  2. Collaborative skills
  3. Communication
  4. Information literacy
  5. Reflection
  6. Problem solving and thinking skills
  7. Research and investigation skills
It took me 3 years to memorise all of these areas and what skills fell into what category area. Before we got to learn the 7 areas completely, we we taught about the bacics. The basics of ATL are merely 5 words, all of which are easy to understand. 

"3PCA, was the first thing Mr. Eric Toste said to me first day at IES in August, 2004.
I gazed at him, confused.
I want you to be Punctual, I want you to be Prepared, I want you to be Positive, I want you to Communicate, I want you to be Active. No exceptions. Get yourself a nice day, he said and left the room."

This is Approaches to Learning at IES, and this is what I use:

Organizational skills, study practices and attitudes towards work
Punctuality; Preparedness for class - neccessary materials / equipment; Preparedness for class - ready to learn; Effective use of school agenda; Showing care for work well done; Keeping an organized work file / notebook; Meeting deadlines.

Collaborative skills
Working effectively in pairs; Wroking effectively in a group; Leading a group; Encouraging contributions from others; Considering and respecting different points of view / opinions / preferences.

Writing clearly by hand; Effective use of wordprocessor; Effective verbal communication; Presenting ideas clearly and coherently, in writing and through public speaking; Listening carefully to others; Essay writing skills; Analytical writing skills; Selecting appropriate forms of expressions to suit various contexts; Using writing, drafting and note taking as means for generating ideas; Effective use of visual representations (diagrams, graphs, charts, tables, etc.); Paraphrasing (summarizing) in note taking / avoiding plagiagrism; Use quotations to support arguments; Bibliography & citation using standard reference formats; Identify types of sources (Primary, Secondary).

information literacy
Use of the library; Use of school research labs; Use of Internet / Intranet information sources; Reading charts / graphs / maps; Locating appropriate materials via the Internet; Finding historical data on the Internet; Finding primary source materials on the Internet; Searching Internet for Current Events; Note taking; Interpret sources; Selecting and rejecting information according to goal; Evaluating sources for suitability, reliability, bias, fact / opinion & accuracy (academic worth).

Draw conclusions from information and data; Reflect on the success of methods, procedures, techniques; Consider personal performance, areas of strenght and possible improvements; Using performance evalutation to adapt behaviour and learning strategies.

Problem solving and thinking skills
Interpret graphical data; Interpret written information; Identifying causes and effects / casual relationships; Explaining causal relationships; Identifying needs; Identifying goals / targets; Planning strategies for collecting data to clarify a problem; Evaluating outcomes; Considering issues from multiple viewpoints; Creatively generating new ideas. 

Research and investigation skills
Develop a research strategy; Select a topic; Limiting the topic; Form a research question / thesis statement.

Remember: Get yourself a nice day.

per ardua ad astra ~ David

2.4 The Three-Minute Lesson

Both in dancing and school, i was taught about the Art of Mental Training.
Dance legend Tony Irwing used to say that, in sports, Mental Training has been called the Science of Success.
I believe that is a mistake.
If you imagine that Mental Training apply only to sports and athletes you’d be wrong. For it’s the "Everyday Champion", from all walks of life, and all types of scenarios, that stands to benefit immensely from the knowledge and techniques that lie ahead. No matter what you do, or whatever challenges you face, The Art of Mental Training can help take you to
another level of performance, achievement, and personal success. Any time that you arrive to compete, event-energy gets mixed in with whatever is going on inside your head at the time. It’s the emotions and feelings that this mixture produces that ultimately ends up affecting how well we perform. If, for example, undesired emotions like nervousness, anger, or fear, happen to surface as a result of this mixture, the Champion must have the right knowledge, tools, and techniques at his disposal so that he can use them to ensure that his performance does not suffer. It’s what Champions know how to do well—and it’s something that everyone can learn how to do. But it’s only those who set out to learn and practice mental training
techniques that gain all the benefits and achieve the highest level of results. The better your self-belief, internal self-talk, attitude, focus, and mental climate are going into an event, the better your situation will be when the adrenalin is mixed in and event energy is pumping through you. By understanding what to shoot for in terms of the Ideal Mental Climate, and having been given the knowledge, tools, and techniques required to achieve it, the Champion is able to empower all aspects of his performance.
So, understand this:

Remember: Whatever is going on inside your head has everything to do with how well you end up performing.

per ardua ad astra ~ David

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